What About the Boy?

A Father's Pledge to His Disabled Son

by Stephen Gallup


Feb 29 interview with Susan Sohn

This Canadian program was very lively and, I think, constructive. Such perky hosts! Please click the image to the left to hear the audio. (I come on at about 24:50.) Excerpt below:

“Ultimately, [What About the Boy?] is an honest depiction of what can happen when you refuse to accept a narrow range of unpleasant options and instead gamble everything on your determination to prove ‘em all wrong. You see, the idea that motivated Judy and me was that we were going to beat this thing. Our boy was going to be OK. When we set out to do that, we enjoyed some very upbeat, optimistic times, and we achieved exciting things with our son. Seeing him walk for the first time, when he was 39 months old, was one of the high points of my life. But in the end we also paid a price, and the book shows that side of the coin, as well. Whether we made bad choices, whether the professionals should have provided better guidance—these are questions readers can decide for themselves. But in short this is about what happens, and ways of responding, when you have a challenge that is resistant to your best efforts to overcome it.”