What About the Boy?

A Father's Pledge to His Disabled Son

by Stephen Gallup

Reading the mail

To finish out the year, here are a few posts that have come in via the Contact page. There were others that asked challenging questions, and maybe those will serve as jumping-off points for future blog posts.



From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this book.


i share your sense, for no reason as good as what experience has led you to believe, that we have to find our own path and i much admire you for sticking to it when it worked, and for realizing when it didn’t.


Your story was very inspirational and I am glad I read it. I feel an emotional healing journey is something I would like to do as the result is so worth the effort!! You sound like you are in a good place and this is something we all long for. Your book has motivated me to start writing again and for this I want to say thank you.


I just finished your book. It’s truly amazing. It’s written with such heart felt sincerity. I got totally wrapped up in reading it. I couldn’t stop and finished it in 2 days. It reads almost like a very emotional mystery novel. It was impossible to stop going from one chapter to the next. I just can’t imagine how many families this will help.


I heard your show with Doug Gibbs yesterday. Your story touched me and I ask God to heal you son and you can use your experience to help others.
   2nd Thessalonians 3:5



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